Intel Corporation Buy McAfee Worth 75 Trillion Rupiah

    Intel Corporation Buy McAfee

    Intel Corporation Buy McAfee Worth 75 Trillion Rupiah
    World Hot News tecnnology - Intel Corporation, the world's leading chip maker, reported recently purchased McAfee, a computer software company and a leading global security. This purchase is made in cash by buying shares worth McAfee each 48 dollars per share, or a total value of $ 7.68 billion dollars, or about 75 trillion rupiah in indonesia. McAfee is one of the largest computer security technology company with revenue reached 2 billion dollars (about 18 trillion rupiah) in the year 2009.
    Based on the statement issued by Intel, McAfee will continue to operate as a subsidiary under the group of Intel's Software and Services. Intel said that this acquisition allows the combination of security software and software from one company. This will provide protection to consumers, corporations, and governments better when billions of devices connected online.
    Besides Intel, the other giant companies that have software and hardware solutions are comprehensive of which is buying the HP Compaq and Palm, and Oracle is buying Network Solutions and Sun Microsystems.

    Are the Microsoft and Google will follow in the of these giants steps too?

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