Immune System Components

    In general, the division of immune system cells by the immune system is divided into humoral and cellular immune system. Humoral immune system consists of antibodies (immunoglobulin is abbreviated Ig) and body secretions (saliva, tears, serumen, sweat, gastric acid, pepsin, etc.). While the immune system in a mobile form of macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils circulate in our bodies.
    One of our body's defense mechanism is most obvious is our skin, because it is a barrier between germs and the body and usually can not be penetrated by bacteria and viruses. It also issued an antibacterial secretions that can kill fungi and bacteria attached to the skin.
    Do not forget that the nose, mouth and eyes are also the entry of germs, tears and saliva contains an enzyme called lysozyme that could destroy the wall of bacteria.
    In addition our bodies have a lot of defense mechanism consisting of various major components of the immune system lymphoid organs (thymus, lien, bone marrow) and limfatiknya system.
    In fact, any organ of our body including our body's defense mechanism is the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. Perhaps the mentioned organs you've heard, but ever heard of the organ called the thymus? This organ is located close to the heart and very important role in our body's immune mechanisms.
    The lymphatic system is a body mechanism that may be partly due to people familiar with doctors often check, usually in the form of an enlarged gland bulge than in general. When this lymph fight germs that enter the body, there can be swelling of these lymph nodes.
    Lymphoid organs such as the thymus itself has a responsibility in the formation of T cells and important for the newborn, without a thymus, the newborn has a bad immune system. Also called leukocytes or white blood cells produced by the thymus, a lien and bone marrow.
    Leukocytes circulating in the body between the organs of the body through the lymph vessels and blood vessels. That way, the immune system works well coordinated monitoring body from germs or other substances that can cause problems for the body.
    There were two lekosit types in general, in charge of the phagocyte eating organisms that enter the body and lymphocytes in charge of remembering and recognizing that enter the body and helps the body destroy them.
    There are other cells are phagocyte, one of which is netrofil, whose main task against bacteria. If netrofil levels increased, then maybe there is a bacterial infection in it.
    Own lymphocytes consists of two types of lymphocytes B and T lymphocytes Lymphocytes produced by bone marrow, to live in it and if it matures into B cell lymphocytes, or leave the bone marrow to the thymus gland and a T cell lymphocytes B and T lymphocytes have different functions which limfost B function to find the target and sent troops to lock their existence. Meanwhile, an army of T cells that can destroy the B cells have identified their existence.

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