Any foreign object that triggers an immune response are called antigens. May be a microbial antigen such as bacteria, virus, plasmodium, and mushrooms; even other individual tissues that enter the body such as organ transplants may be treated as a foreign body and can lead to rejection reactions. This is because the number of organ transplants that are unacceptable to the body and destroyed by our immune system.
In general, the mechanism of our body's immune system is as follows; when there is an antigen (foreign objects into the body) is detected, several types of cells work together to find out who they are and respond. These cells trigger the B lymphocytes to produce antibodies, a specific protein that leads to a specific antigen.
For example if a person never exposed to smallpox, then usually the individual is not the same disease again or if the contract will not give a fatal complications and rapid recovery. This is also a mechanism of how immunizations to prevent certain diseases. An immunization introduces the body to the antigen in a way that does not make sick, but enough to make the body produce antibodies that will protect a person from the disease in the future.
Antibodies alone can neutralize toxins produced by various organisms, as well as antibodies able to activate a group of proteins called complement that are part of the immune system and help destroy bacteria, viruses, or infected cells.
In abnormal situations, the immune system can be mistaken for our own part of the body as foreign and attack ourselves, this is known as autoimmune diseases. Usually the antibodies that attack this self-regulation can be formed without the virus due to previous stimulation, so that the antibodies come circulate throughout the body and can provide adequate organ damage worrying. For example Sistemic Lupus is a disease called Lupus or Eryhtematosus, and Scleroderma. In addition, this autoimmune reaction may cause threat to abortion in pregnancy.
In other cases, the immune system which responds to excess or hipereaktif of a foreign object so that incoming antigens are called allergens and can be symptoms such as swelling menumbulkan, watery eyes, runny nose, allergies, can even cause allergic reactions that threaten the great soul that is called anaphylaxis. Various kinds of allergic reactions incurred include asthma, eczema, allergic runny nose, cough allergy, food allergy, drug allergy and allergic to toxins.
The number of antibodies can be measured indirectly with CD4 cell counts. If the amount is less then a person suspected of having immunocompromized disease where the body resistance is very low, it can happen to people affected by HIV / AIDS, and non-HIV (old corticosteroid users, individuals with cancer, chronic diseases such as kidney failure, heart failure, diabetes, etc.)