plan to become pregnant for a baby girl

    plan to become pregnant  for a baby girlplan to become pregnant for a baby girl.

    For Pregnant Daughter.
    For women who plan to become pregnant and longing for a baby girl, recommended diet 'green' and rice. A recent study found, women who ate vegetables, fruit, and rice is more likely to have girls.
    In their research, Dutch scientists asked 32 women who have sons to try a diet high in calcium and magnesium.
    The women were asked
    consumted foods such as salad with goat's milk cheese, boiled vegetables and rice cakes. They are limited in eating potassium-rich foods such as potatoes and bananas. Potassium believed to multiply the opportunities for boys.
    As published in the Telegraph, the women were also asked to have sex at certain times of the ovulatory cycle. The result, in the study for five years, 26 women gave birth to a daughter. Only six who gave birth to boys. The researchers believe that dieting women before pregnancy is the strongest factor determining the sex of the child, up to 80 percent.
    The results fit with the old advice that suggest the intake of certain foods such as spinach, beans and broccoli for having a daughter. It is estimated mineral levels in the blood affect the egg making it easier to receive girls chromosome of lazy.
    Gender Consultant Maastricht University, will conduct research on the contrary a woman who has had a daughter and want to have boys. Annet Norlander, a biologist at the research center said the study results can help parents to influence the sex of their child in the future.
    source: VIVAnews -

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