Groupon has $750 million in an initial public offering

    The social buying site Groupon filed on Thursday to raise as much as $750 million in an initial public offering, revealing a short history filled with skyrocketing sales and steep losses.
    Groupon is hoping to follow the path of LinkedIn(LNKD) and Yandex(YNDX) to a hot new public listing, but banking rules may spoil the party for investors.have unveiled plans on Thursday for an initial public offering as the red-hot daily deals company prepares to become the latest next-generation Internet company to go public. In a regulatory filing,Taking advantage of the bull market for young, social media-oriented tech firms, Groupon, the Chicago daily-deals site that has seen rapid growth and a increasing valuation over the pass. So far, three investment banks have landed the coveted role of underwriting the stock sale.

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