Brad Pitt seek to psychic

    Brad Pitt seek to psychicBrad Pitt seek to psychic
    California - Actor Brad Pitt has reportedly visited the smart people to gain insight into his life. People usually called smart or psychic named Ron Bard told Life & Style magazine that Brad came to him when he faced the problem and seek guidance for his future.
    Brad Pitt came first meet someone smart since starred in Mr. & Mrs. Smith in 2005. "I know him both personally and in business relationships. He's very, very spiritual, "said Ron.
    "I have met many celebrities through this business, and he was one of the best. He is friendly and generous, a great man. "
    Ron describes himself as an "advisor of the rich and influential people around the world, ranging from the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), United States, the Japanese conglomerate, to the celebrity of Hollywood."

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