Here They Survived For "Buried" - of 33 miners trapped in Chile

    33 miners trapped in Chile

    Here They Survived For "Buried" of 33 miners trapped in Chile

    The rescue of 33 miners trapped in Chile under since the beginning of August is estimated could take up to four months. While waiting for rescue, they continued to receive supplies of food and beverages from the top.
    So far, the rescue team through three of the four-inch hole can only deliver liquid nutrition to the workers, who are stuck in the ground nearly 700 feet deep.
    However, on Tuesday local time, rescue teams began supplying solid food and all sorts of purposes that will keep the mine workers stay healthy physically and mentally.
    This is the menu list on Tuesday and a few days in the future under any of the medical team leader at this location, Jorge Diaz, told CNN television stations:
    * Tea Bags, herbal infusions and a thermos of hot water.
    * For breakfast, energy foods that contain protein and carbohydrates.
    * Yogurt and cereal and sandwiches for lunch.
    * Yogurt and cereal as well as kiwi fruit to help digestion in the afternoon.
    * Bread butter sandwiches for dinner.
    * About five liters of water per person per day
    In total about 2,000 calories each day.
    On Wednesday, workers will get their first meal since being cooked in the ground on August 5. They will get rice with sliced beef or pork.
    This food in Chile is normally served with beans, but according to this food Diaz avoided so as not to cause the workers want to waste gas. According to him, fart in a narrow place in the basement will be very disturbing.
    In addition, workers also obtained a device that will keep them comfortable. Among these are an optional MP3 mexico-style dance music and Puerto Rico.
    Bandages nicotine as a cigarette substitute is also sent to the 16 smokers who were under, they are already showing symptoms of discomfort for not smoking, one of whom admitted to not even be able to sleep when not smoking.
    Initially, laxatives was also sent to those who complain of constipation, but these drugs are withdrawn after a worker complained frequently because of taking the drug fart. He admitted that he did not want to be ostracized because of the stench that comes out of himself.
    Reading materials are also included that is sent down. These include clippings about the mine disaster and rescue efforts are done.
    A classic cartoon book titled "Condorito", and a book titled "Tactics for Public Speaking" is also sent down. According to Jorge this last book will make the miners could speak well to reporters after they were rescued.
    tag : Survived, weird world event.

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