Shia LaBeouf Most Profitable actor - ForbesVersion

    Shia LaBeouf Most Profitable hollywood actor - Forbes Version

    sexy Shia LaBeouf Most Profitable actor - Forbes Version
    Shia LaBeouf Most Profitable actor - ForbesVersion

    Shia LaBeouf be the most profitable actor in two consecutive years, according to Forbes' list released Monday (30 / 8). Forbes calculates for every U.S. $ 1 paid to LaBeouf, the film shows him making a profit of U.S. $ 81.
    LaBeouf memuncaki ratings thanks to blockbuster movies like INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE Crystal Skull who earns U.S. $ 787 million worldwide, and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen who earns U.S. $ 836 million worldwide.
    Anne Hathaway, ranked second thanks to the movie Alice in Wonderland who earn U.S. $ 1 billion worldwide, and Bride Wars who menangguk U.S. $ 115 million, an amount clearly lower. For every U.S. $ 1 dollar Hathaway paid to generate profits of U.S. $ 64 dollars.
    36 Forbes noted Hollywood actor and actress who at least made three films in five years, which aired widely. They calculate penujualan-fim film box office, DVD and television sales, which reduced keumdian budget films, while deleting the marketing costs, which are vulnerable to fraud reports.
    Daniel Radclife (who earns U.S. $ 61 from U.S. $ 1 dollar paid to him), Robert Downey Jr.. (U.S. $ 33) and Cate Blanchet (U.S. $ 27) complete the top five rankings.
    Perhaps the most surprising actor who fall into 10 major was Johnny Depp, he used to get a big salary. He paid U.S. $ 1 dollar for every U.S. $ 18 profit film.
    Still from the Forbes list, the actor's least profitable, the dubious honor last year awarded to Will Ferrell. LAND OF THE LOST star was paid U.S. $ 1 for every U.S. $ 3.29 movie he made.

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