U.S. Researchers Develop Chocolate to be Medicines

    U.S. Researchers Develop Chocolate to be MedicinesU.S. Researchers Develop Chocolate Medicines

    Liputan6.com, California: Researchers from the University of California, United States, is currently trying to change the chocolate to be drug. In particular, drugs that can fight heart disease and body armor from various diseases attack.
    As reported by Zee News, Thursday (20 / 1), the researchers examined genes from the tree Theobroma cacao, or commonly known as chocolate. They want to increase the benefits of cocoa beans for the health of the human body. For two years they are trying to solve genetic code of cocoa trees and can be used to improve the quality, taste and nutritional value of cocoa beans.
    The researchers also tried to improve the compound known as flavonols. Flavonols into the sub-group of natural flavonoids is believed to have good effects for the cardiovascular system. Some experts say, the intake of flavonols can affect the smoothness of blood flow and blood pressure stability.
    Now, according to study leader Professor Howard Shapiro-Yara, they are studying the genes of 34,997 brown tree. Together with his team, Professor Shapiro believes her research project will bear fruit stunning results in the next five years. To finance his research, Professor Shapiro has also persuaded Mars Incorporated to finance projects worth U.S. $ 10 million.
    "The main objective of this research is to improve the content of flavonols in chocolate. It is not possible if the chocolate will have a variety of benefits in 10 to 15 years," said Professor Shapiro. (DSC / ANS)
    U.S. Researchers Develop ,Chocolate to be Medicines,medicine,healthy cases.
    source :http://id.news.yahoo.com

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