4 Interesting Facts About Kissing - by The Science of Kissing

    VIVAnews - A kiss is an expression of feelings that arise concurrently with the presence of humans. In this activity also saved a lot of interesting facts for you to know.
    A scientist, Sheril Kirshenbaum, in his book 'The Science of Kissing' reveals the secrets behind the action of a kiss, quoted from the pages of Marie Claire.

    1. During a passionate kiss, pupils will dilate. It is also the reason why some people choose to close their eyes while doing it.
    When kissing, autonomic nervous system directly respond to a sense of happiness, sexual desire, or feelings. This makes the pupil more dilated so that absorbs more light sensitive Dann.
    2. Over the French kiss, he will transfer to the spouse of testosterone in the saliva.
    If a kiss routinely performed for several weeks or months, repeated exchanges will increase libido couples. Why? of the male hormone testosterone will stimulate the clitoris.
    3. Scientific evidence shows, kiss disclose genetic information of the pair. And instinctively someone could feel that her partner matches or not.
    Evolutionary psychologist Gordon Gallup of the University of Albany reveals, 59 percent of men and 66 percent of women ended the relationship from the beginning because it was not right for each other after kissing.
    According to him, a sense of smell affects the assessment of the couple. The smell of the body's natural to give clues about a person's status or genetic reproduction. For example, women will be attracted to men who have different immune from them.
    4. The smell of the breath of a woman giving clues about the reproductive status
    During menstruation, a woman usually have excess bacteria in the mouth, which raises special aroma. Historically, the scent is what led him to choose the most fertile for pregnant women. (Pet)
    source : http://id.news.yahoo.com

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