logic of migraine - Chronic headaches

    DEFINITIONS of migraine
    Chronic headaches that can cause significant pain for hours or even days.
    Symptoms can be severe, so you might feel better after lying in a dark room. Some of the symptoms of migraine characterized as flashing lights, blind spots or tingling in the arms or legs. There's even a migraine is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and a more extreme feeling disturb on light and sound.

    SYMPTOMS of migraine
    Migraine usually begins in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood with the symptoms as follows:
    * Severe pain, which may occur on one side of the head or both
    * Head pain with a sense of headace
    * Pain that worsens when physical activity
    * The pain that interfere with your activities
    * Nausea with or without vomiting
    * Sensitivity to light and sound
    If not treated, the migraine usually lasts from four to 72 hours, but the frequency of headache that occurs varies from person to person. You may have migraines several times a month or less frequently.

    Soft drugs such as aspirin may help reduce the frequency and severity of migraine. However, if the light treatment did not give the change in pain. You can contact your doctor. Because drug-boats concoction and lifestyle changes may affect the reduction in pain.
    While prevention is dapt done is by changing your lifestyle, with regular exercise for example, other than that try to avoid foods that are triggers your pain.

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