Lose Weight logic of general weaknes logic

    Lose Weight logic of general weakneshealthy cases - Lose Weight logic of general weaknes
    for Many people who claim a diet is something difficult thing. On the other hand, there are people who feel no problem on a diet.
    Those who feel an activity that is difficult diet, usually have a deficiency in him to do so. If you're one of those people, then resist the weaknesses of your current diet and get to the desired body weight.
    Here is the weakness of a common problem difficult person to lose weight, as quoted from women24:

    1. Eating too many foods that are wrong; 2. Lack of exercise; 3. Inconsistent.

    If your weakness at the first point, change your diet to get used to eating healthy foods like green vegetables and fruits. That way, you can reduce the portion of carbohydrates such as rice.
    If there are weaknesses Adna on the second point, they begin to exercise regularly. No need to make drastic changes in the activity because it only makes you quickly give up.
    Do it slowly, three times a week with a duration of 30 minutes. Try to do this activity regularly for one month, then increase the intensity and number of days slowly.
    Not consistent in the diet is one weakness that is often experienced by people who diet. On weekdays, your plan may be running smoothly. But when the weekend comes, you start kalab and forget the diet. Finally, in the next week you feel like a failure and return to old habits.
    In this case, keep in mind is consistency. Actually it does not matter if the end of the week you give the award to yourself to enjoy a delicious ice cream. However, make sure you have been eating healthy foods based diet first. That way, you willwill not eat a lot of snacks because they feel full .

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