Apple updated the best malware engine WWDC

    Apple on Wednesday updated the malware engine included with Snow Leopard to detect the newest version of MacDefender, the fake antivirus program that's plagued users for the last month.
    Aptly named “WWDC,” the app lets you search the conference schedule, make a reservation at the User Interface, App Review, iTunes Connect, Program Support, or Developer Publications lab, view floor diagrams of Moscone West, and create a custom schedule of the sessions, labs, and events you plan on attending.
    The app looks like it has a pretty simple interface to get the job done quickly and alert you of news and other items happening at the show.
    The app is free to download and is compatible with the iPhone and iPad.
    in French security company Intego and U.K.-based Sophos confirmed that yesterday's update by Apple successfully warns users when they download the latest variant of MacDefender.
    The message users will now see if they accidentally try to install MacDefender, or one of its variants. That variant appeared early Wednesday, Pacific time, when the gang responsible for MacDefender rushed out a new edition that evaded detection.
    Apple is updating Mac OS X Snow Leopard best systems with protection against the latest variant of MacDefender, after criminals wrote a new version of MacDefender to sniff out two previous versions of the "scareware" and to provide users a tool that scrubbed infected Macs of the phony software. The commonly held, and perhaps misguided, idea that Apple's Mac computers are impervious to viruses, malware, and spamware has been brought into question this week with reports that Apple is engaged in a game of cat-and-mouse with malware programmers, Also called "rogueware," scareware is bogus security software that claims a computer is heavily infected with worms, viruses, Trojan horses and the like. Once installed, the worthless program nags users with pervasive pop-ups and fake alerts until they fork over a fee. MacDefender, the first scareware to target Macs, demands $60 to $80 to stop bothering victims.
    Intego first reported MacDefender in early May, but since then several variants have appeared, all with different names but only minor code changes. The most recent title of the scare is "MacGuard," which is delivered via a downloader that installs without requiring a user's administrator password.
    Researchers had wondered how quickly Apple would react to the new variant, and applauded Apple's pace. But one warned that Apple had a tough row to hoe.
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