readtheworldnews : Michael Jackson Glove Sold $ 192000 U.S

    readtheworldnews : Michael Jackson Glove Sold for $ 192000 U.S

    Prestige of the late Michael Jackson's will never fade. Coinciding with the first anniversary of the death of the mega star, the prestige of it as it looks increasingly bright. Imagine, the results of an auction of memorabilia owned by the late Michael Jackson reportedly managed to raise money for ten times the actual price of the goods. One of the exciting auction items is Michael's glove which sold for U.S. $ 192 thousand.
    Exactly one year on the anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson on 25 June, an auction house named Julien's Auctions managed to attract the fans and collectors of unique items from across America. Auctions are held at the Planet Hollywood Resort, Las Vegas is reportedly succeeded in collecting the money no less than U.S. $ 1 million from the auction of the deceased's belongings including gloves are synonymous with The King of Pop this.
    Gloves are adorned with Swarovski crystals was reportedly sold for U.S. $ 192 thousand or approximately equal to Rp1, 7 billion more. In addition to gloves that are purchased by a woman from Los Angeles that there are still some other things that also managed to collect quite a sum of money. Some images created by Michael reportedly sold for U.S. $ 44,800 (Rp.403 million), while the lyrics of the song Bad handwriting Michael sold for U.S. $ 30,720 (IDR 277 million).
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