best logic of correct breastfeeding position

    After the young mother to know the important things related to the preparation of breastfeeding, it helps us know, how to correct breastfeeding position. Obviously, the position is crucial for the convenience of breastfeeding infants and mothers themselves. Do you have to always breastfeed lying down? No. We have to accustom the baby can suckle under any circumstances. Whether we sleep at home, standing, sitting, or even when we were in the vehicle.

    1. The cradle. This position is very good for newborns. How do I? Make sure your back is really support for this position. Keep the baby in your stomach, until the skin and your skin touch each other. Let her body facing you, and put his head on your elbow.

    2. The cross-cradle hold. One arm supporting the baby's body and others support the head, similar to the cradle position but you will have greater control over baby's head. Nursing position is good for premature babies or mothers with small nipples.

    3. The football hold. The trick, hold the baby on your side with your legs behind you and the baby tucked under your arm, as if you're holding the ball of the foot. This position is best for mothers who give birth by caesarean section or for mothers with large breasts. But, you need a pillow to prop up the baby.

    4. Saddle hold. This is a fun way to breastfeeding in a sitting position. It also works well if your baby has a runny nose or earache. How, your baby sit upright with legs straddling your own.

    5. The lying position. Breastfeeding by lying will give you more opportunities to relax and to sleep more at night. You can sleep when the baby feeds. Supports baby's back and head with a pillow. Make sure that you touch the baby's stomach.


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