best logic for for a better quality sleep

    What you eat has a major influence on the quality of your sleep. Therefore, try some nutritious foods below for a better quality of your sleep.

    1. Cheese
    Cheese is an excellent source of protein before bed because it contains casein protein is slow to digest, and then will distribute the amino acids into muscle tissue for hours afterward.

    2. Oatmeal
    Most people think of oatmeal or eaten oatmeal for breakfast just right, and oatmeal contain complex carbohydrates that can cause the release of serotonin (a hormone that reduces stress and calms the mind) in the body.
    Oatmeal is also slow to digest so you will not wake up feeling hungry at midnight. Oatmeal with apple slices, cinnamon and spray low-fat dairy alternatives can be your dinner now.

    3. Peanuts or peanut butter
    If you have trouble sleeping try the consumption of peanuts, they contain niacin which is a nutrient that helps to enhance the release of serotonin in the body system.
    Although nuts contain unsaturated fats is quite high, keep the portions. To be safe make a wheat bread with peanut butter thinly.

    4. Warm milk
    The reason behind the good idea of ​​warm milk before bed because of the fact that mentions that the milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, and for most people, it can be a calming and relaxing.
    In addition, milk also offers a good intake of calcium, which works in the brain to help regulate the production of melatonin, which is a substance that would naturally control your sleep-wake cycle. Add one teaspoon of honey in warm milk if you want to taste sweeter.

    5. Wine
    Wine is a fruit found to contain the hormone melatonin which regulates sleep, so by eating them regularly to your diet, you can help improve sleep-wake cycle in the body naturally. Consumption of wine and even allows you to get to bed early every night.
    Mix some fruit wine with a bowl of Yougurt, healthy snack before you get any sleep. (Fen)

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