harajuku style japan fashion

    harajaku the road at a station in Japan

    harajaku the road at a station in Japan
    harajuku style japan fashion
    harajuku style japan fashion
    negative views to those who often drop by embracing harajuku style. though essentially Harajuku is a fashion loving community of Japan. but as we all know, as "Indonesian", people who dressed all weird and messy yes branded a weird kid, too. negative, drugs, cigarettes, beverages, naughty, naughty, dirty, messy, not good.
    Harajuku actually taken from one of the famous places along the road at a station in Japan, exactly in Omotesando, Tokyo. This place is also a fashion center of Tokyo's there. here lies toko2 branded fashion goods, such as Gucci, Zara, and the toy store's most famous children in Japan, Kiddieland. Omotesando is very famous because it became a place young people gather and express themselves on Sunday when the streets were closed to vehicles. Along the road we could see groups of young people in their group makeup. There is a stylish gothic, punk, biker, and so forth.

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