"Love Bites" tails Mild Stroke
Liputan6.com, Wellington: Be careful in venting passion. Part of the body of a female New Zealand citizen get temporarily paralyzed due to "love bite" on the nape of the couple in love. Thus expressed some doctors in New Zealand Medical Journal, recently.
In the journal, the doctors said, the 44-year-old woman who came out to the Emergency Department at Middlemore Hospital in Auckland, last year. He lost movement in his left arm while watching television.
The doctors concluded that she suffered a mild stroke. However, the doctors could not find the cause until they find a small vertical bruises on the woman's neck near the large veins. Apparently, it was "love bite" or "Hickey" that he "received" a few days earlier.
"Because it is` love bite `, of course there are a lot of suction," said one doctor who treated patients, Teddy Wu, told the Christchurch Press, as quoted by AFP.
"As a result of physical trauma it caused, there was a slight bruise on the inside of blood vessels. There were blood clots in the veins under the` done `Hickey."
Wu said the blood clot is released and moves into the woman's heart, where blood clots that cause a mild stroke that made him lose the power of his arm motion.
"We are looking for medical records and examples of the result of` love `bite that resulted in something like that was never described before," he said. Medics said the woman was cured after being treated with anti-clotting drugs. (ANS / Ant)
source : http://id.yahoo.com
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beware "Love Bites" can make Mild Stroke